Current NpO Member / Love - Admissions Officer / Love - Communications Officer / Love - Guardian / Love - Big Brother Program Director / Pax - Tyga Brigade NCO / Pax - Amber Brigade Member / Tru - Diplomat /
Former Genesis Member / Minister of Communications / Awards Committee / Battalion Commander / Genesis Dipomat to NpO, AiD, KoC / Former Tech Dir.
Former Secretary / Cleric of FA / Former member of KoC
Former President / Former Vice President / Former MoD / Member of AiD
Former Commanding Officer/Executive Officer/Master Srgt / Radar / Bank Council member / Diplomat / IRON member of all areas short of council.
Freedom is the only way in life and in alliances, once that is taken away and put fear into its place.....everyone follows one leader and believes everything from that one leader. So shall it be that punishments are harsh, but never forever a punishment, unlike those who are savages who will stop at nothing to get what they want to follow out an old punishment that is never applicable anymore.