Author Topic: NpO - STA  (Read 992 times)

Offline Myworld

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« on: June 13, 2008, 09:31:32 am » [00000000]
The Treaty of the Arctic
MADP Between the New Polar Order and the Siberian Tiger Alliance

In reverence to the prospering and magnanimous relationship that has developed between the New Polar Order and the Siberian Tiger Alliance, we the undersigned hereby assent to all Provisions set forth in this accord, and do declare that our word shall be our bond. Henceforth the aforementioned entities shall be allies through all, aiding each other like good comrades to the utmost of their strength.

Provision I: Sovereignty

The Treaty of the Arctic shall in no way infringe upon the sovereignty of either the Order or Siberia and shall serve only to embody the mutual respect, trust, and friendship between these alliances. Hence, the member-states and governing bodies of the respective entities shall be subject only to the laws and restrictions of their own alliances, in addition to the following Provisions of this treaty.

Provision II: Non-aggression

The bond recognised by this treaty shall preclude the signatory alliances from engaging in combat with one another unto perpetuity and for five full days (one hundred twenty hours) following any cancellation under Provision VI of the accord. Any minor breach of this Provision shall be dealt with privately and cordially between the leadership of the signatories to this agreement. Organised breach of this Provision by means of open warfare is grounds for the immediate dissolution of the Treaty of the Arctic.

Provision III: Intelligence and Covert Hostility

In the event that either signatory should discover any information pertinent to the security, stability, or sovereignty of the opposite signatory of this treaty they are obligated to inform the jeopardized party post-haste. Furthermore, in signing this pact the undersigned agree to refrain and protect one another from any attempt at covert hostility including but not limited to espionage, coordinated rogue attacks, undermining of reputation, compromising of alliance headquarters, and conspiracy by foreign alliances or entities. A breach of this Provision by means of attempting any covert hostility operation on a partner signatory to this agreement shall be grounds for immediate termination and considered an outright act of war.

Provision IV: Defensive War

Recognising the great friendship between the New Polar Order and the Siberian Tiger Alliance, this Provision hereby dictates that under any circumstances if either of the undersigned finds itself attacked by a foreign power, the opposite signatory to this agreement is required to come in full force to the side of their ally, without exception. The attacked signatory of this agreement maintains the right to waive assistance. Should the party required by this treaty to defend their ally not respond within 24-hours the abandoned ally may cancel this agreement immediately.

Provision V: Offensive War

In the event that either the Order or Siberia find it necessary to engage a foreign power in open warfare, the opposite party is required to assist militarily, financially, and/or politically should the attacking party request such. Failure to comply with such a request by either signatory shall constitute a breach of this Provision and be considered a cancellation of this treaty under Provision VI.

Provision VI: Termination

This treaty may be terminated by either signatory at any time. Except in circumstances outlined in Provision II, Provision III, and Provision IV, this treaty shall remain in effect for a full five days (one hundred twenty hours) following notification of cancellation. Notification is advised to be given privately to the opposite signatory's government.

Provision VII: Amendment and Ratification

Should the signatories at any time come to the consensus that it is in their best interests to modify any provisions of this accord, this may be done with a simple agreement between the undersigned. Henceforth this treaty is ratified by both the New Polar Order and the Siberian Tiger Alliance and entered into law unto perpetuity, as evidenced by the signatures below:

Signed for the New Polar Order,
His Excellency Emperor of the New Polar Order, Fleet Admiral Doctor Electron Sponge, OBE, PHD, COD, ASAP, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea, Conqueror of the Antarctic Lands in General and Godwanaland in Particular, Also Hello
RandomInterrupt, Imperial Regent
Silvaienia, Minister of Truth
Hizzy, Deputy Minister of Truth, Prophet of Truth, Lord of the Tech, Dr. Destruction

Signed for the Siberian Tiger Alliance,

Crown Prince Mishka of Tygaland, Supreme Chancellor
Nicky Firenight of Zulchep, Chancellor
Lammoth of Condatis, Consilium Tigris
Uhtred of Norse, Consilium Tigris
Mingle of Mingle-land, Consilium Tigris
Boomhower of Octoid, Consilium Tigris
« Last Edit: September 03, 2008, 06:49:43 pm by Fallen_Fool »
Total Wars: 38 Total Anarchy: 22 Total ZI: 4
Total Rogue/Pirates: 12
Total Anarchied Nations: CIN: 1 LUE: 2 SoD: 3 NAAC: 4 Fan: 6 Genmay: 1 Mushroom Kingdom: 1 GOONS: 2 NADC: 3 GATO: 1 FPI: 1 GUN: 1
Total ZI'd Nations Legion: 1 NAAC: 2 Genmay: 0
Nukes taken for NpO: 15
Enemy Nukes Destroyed: 21