Author Topic: Pending Membership Request  (Read 282 times)

Pending Membership Request
« on: August 12, 2024, 04:49:09 am » [00000000]
Ruler: Rex19802024
Nation: Noveris
CN Forum Name (if none/unsure leave blank):
Resource #1: Coal
Resource #2: Rubber
National Strength: 3.000
Recruited By (if none/unsure leave blank):
Vouch (if none/unsure leave blank):
Title of in-game recruitment message(s) you received promoting the New Polar Order (if none/unsure leave blank): Wish you were here!

Link to Nation:

Have you had any previous nations? Yes or No: No
If so, please provide the Nation and Ruler names:

Please list previous alliances, if any, you were in: None
How long were you a member?:
Why did you leave?:
Do you owe your previous alliance any money, or have other commitments or?:
Are you in the midst of any problems with any Alliances?
Are you currently involved in any wars?  If so, provide full details:

Why do you want to join The New Polar Order?: I want to learn how o play Cyber Nations. I want to learn how i can become successful.
What can you offer the New Polar Order? (RL and cyber skills, etc): Loyalaty, Trust and daily logins
What do you expect from the Order?: The proper way to build up my nation

I, *Rex19802024*, understand that honesty is a value highly treasured by the New Polar Order. If at any time I am found to have falsified any information in this application I understand I may be subject to disciplinary action that may include expulsion from the Order and possible ZI, in concurrence with NpO policy. I further understand that this oath takes effect immediately and has no expiration

Offline Quantum Leap

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Re: Pending Membership Request
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2024, 01:13:42 am » [00000000]
Welcome, Our internal affairs folk will be along shortly to through your application :)


haha QL is always right, obviously ;)

"A tiger doesnt lose sleep over the opinions of sheep."

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser."

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
Abraham Lincoln

Re: Pending Membership Request
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2024, 04:00:51 am » [00000000]
I have withdrawn my intrest in NPO Due to inactivity in the discord, thank you for the opertunity, but i couldnt continue to wait

Offline Tharu

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Re: Pending Membership Request
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2024, 07:08:33 pm » [00000000]
I have withdrawn my intrest in NPO Due to inactivity in the discord, thank you for the opertunity, but i couldnt continue to wait
Please let me handle this and I can process your application if you still interested. :)