Author Topic: NpO - OcUK  (Read 1176 times)

Offline Fallen Fool

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NpO - OcUK
« on: September 03, 2008, 07:07:46 pm » [00000000]
British Winter Accords

In recognizing the bonds of friendship between the New Polar Order (NpO) and Overclockers UK (OcUK), and with the goal of mutual prosperity and respect, we the undersigned hereby agree to the following Mutual Aggression and Defence Pact, completely and without reservation.

Article I Sovereignty
This treaty will not infringe on either NpO's or OcUK's sovereignty. Each signatory maintains the right to conduct their own affairs independently and in accordance to their own charter and laws and the following articles of this treaty.

Article II Non Aggression
The signatories will not conduct any hostile actions towards the other, neither covert nor overt, in action or spirit. Individual, non-sanctioned breaches of this article will be dealt with in private between qualified leadership of the signatories. Organized and sanctioned beaches of this article will render this treaty null and void.

Article III Intelligence
The signatories vow to maintain open dialogue channels regarding all issues that involve the other member. Each signatory has the right to any and all intelligence that would in any way infringe on their sovereignty and security. Further to that, each member is obligated to protect the other signatory from covert actions against them, should they be in a position to do so.

Article IV Defensive War
In the event that either signatory comes under attack by a 3rd party, the opposite member is required to aid the attacked party in any way that the attacked deems necessary. This includes military, financial, and/or moral support. Should a signatory decline to provide the requested aid contrary to this article, this will render the treaty null and void.

Article V Aggressive War
In the event that a signatory finds it necessary to conduct organized offensive manoeuvres, the opposite signatory is obligated to assist through any financial or military means requested. The attacking member agrees to provide the partner with 72 hours to provide the requested aid. Failure to do so constitutes a breach of this treaty and thereby cancels it.

Article VI Cancellation
Should either signatory wish to cancel this agreement, they will notify the opposite member privately, at which point in time the treaty will remain active for 5 days before being fully terminated.

Signed for the New Polar Order;
His Excellency Emperor of the New Polar Order, Fleet Admiral Doctor Electron Sponge, OBE, PHD, COD, ASAP, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea, Conqueror of the Antarctic Lands in General and Godwanaland in Particular, Also Hello
Myworld, Imperial Advisor
HannaH, Minister of Truth
Ski11585, Minister of Plenty
Hizzy, Deputy Minister of Truth, Prophet of Truth

Signed for Overclockers UK;
Mr White, Lord Protector

Veteran of Great War II, the Polar War of Secession, FAN War, the Unjust War, FAN War II, the NADC War, the FPI War, the GATO War, the Second Patriotic War, the BiPolar War, the VE War, the Grudge War, the Equilibrium War and the Bear Farce War.


KP! You've started an international incident you bastard! You beautiful, huggleable bastard!

My bad :P

I'm bringing back the :tyga: emoticon.