« on: May 08, 2008, 11:37:30 pm » [00000000]
The undersigned representatives of the Nations of Ascended Honor (NOAH) and the New Polar Order (NpO) agree that in all circumstances, unless any conditions outlined in Article 4 come into effect, that NOAH and the NpO will enter into the following pact as outlined in the articles below.
Article 1
1.1 The NpO and NOAH will show respect and good will towards the member nations of each respective alliance.
1.2 This will prohibit flaming, and flame baiting on the CN forums but will not restrict healthy debate or productive disagreement.
1.3 Alliance leaders will be expected to alert the other organization party to this agreement should this article ever be infringed upon.
Article 2
2.1 The NpO and NOAH will not conduct espionage or aid in espionage against the opposite organization party to this agreement.
2.2 Alliance leaders and representatives will be expected to alert the organization opposite to this agreement should espionage on either party be detected.
2.3 If either alliance declares war on an ally of the NpO or NOAH, this pact can be dissolved if a peaceful settlement cannot be reached.
Article 3
3.1 The NpO commits itself to the defence of the NOAH through direct military action as well as though not limited to financial and political means.
3.2 The NpO will send a representative to NOAH to help advise NOAH on any matters relating to foreign or domestic issues. The representative will not however have a vote or an official voice within the alliance and are only there to advise.
Article 4
4.1 This pact may be cancelled after 5 days notice, which must be received and discussed privately and in a diplomatic manner.
4.2 This pact may be cancelled by any breach of Article 2.
4.3 This pact may be cancelled once NOAH and the NpO agree that NOAH no longer requires the protection offered by the NpO in Article 3.
Signed for the New Polar Order,
His Excellency Emperor of the New Polar Order, Fleet Admiral Doctor Electron Sponge, OBE, PHD, COD, ASAP, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea, Conqueror of the Antarctic Lands in General and Godwanaland in Particular, Also Hello
Signed for the Nations of Ascended Honor,
Sir Sci, Director of the Congregation
Dave Johns, Dir. of Foreign Affairs
Prd777, Dir. of Defense
Sephaire, Director of Finance
« Last Edit: September 03, 2008, 06:43:37 pm by Fallen_Fool »
Total Wars: 38 Total Anarchy: 22 Total ZI: 4
Total Rogue/Pirates: 12
Total Anarchied Nations: CIN: 1 LUE: 2 SoD: 3 NAAC: 4 Fan: 6 Genmay: 1 Mushroom Kingdom: 1 GOONS: 2 NADC: 3 GATO: 1 FPI: 1 GUN: 1
Total ZI'd Nations Legion: 1 NAAC: 2 Genmay: 0
Nukes taken for NpO: 15
Enemy Nukes Destroyed: 21