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Membership Applications / MOVED: Pending Membership Request
« Last post by Tharu on July 02, 2024, 09:02:44 pm »
Membership Applications / MOVED: Pending Membership Request
« Last post by Tharu on June 28, 2024, 11:27:41 pm »
Membership Applications / Re: Application for Alliance
« Last post by The 73MPL4R on January 15, 2024, 11:09:02 am »
Welcome! Apologies for the delay.

Before we can proceed, we do ask that you fill out the template provided in the following thread

Once you do that, then we can work on bringing you into the fold. Hope to see you soon!

The 73MPL4R
Minister of Love
Membership Applications / Application for Alliance
« Last post by paulmuaddib2024_93389 on January 07, 2024, 10:22:20 am »
Hope to me one of You
Membership Applications / Re: Pending Membership Application (D&S)
« Last post by Dendarii Federation on July 14, 2023, 01:25:30 am »
Accepted and masked.
Membership Applications / Pending Membership Application (D&S)
« Last post by Deadmeat5150 on July 13, 2023, 02:57:13 pm »
New Polar Order,
Icebound dreams of comradeship,
Seeking their embrace.

Name: Deadmeat5150
Ruler Name: The High Necrocommunist
Former Alliance: Solar Order

I'm specced for tech production right now, making over a million tech a day.
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