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Topics - RandomInterrupt

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Second Patriotic War Treaty Cancellations / BLEU
« on: June 19, 2007, 01:36:54 am »
Blue Leadership Ensuring Unity (BLEU) Treaty
The treaty for stability of the Blue team through unification

Article I. Before the Amble
Treaties of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance rock.  The Blue team does not have one of those.  Oh wait, now we do!
Article II. The Establishment.
A. Signatories shalt not threaten force against other signatories. In fact, they agree to play nice in general. We will all settle our differences through diplomacy and the mailing of cupcakes to one another. Poisoned cupcakes are not allowed, “special” cupcakes are okay.
B. New guys can join us as full signatories if they ask nicely and are approved unanimously by the existing signatories.
Article III. Governing Body.
One (1, Uno, Un, I, …) member from each signatory is going to be an ambassador to the BLEU organization. They will handle normal business and operations under this treaty. It’s hard and demanding work that includes: voting on new signatories, nominating Senate Candidates, deliberating and voting in expulsion proceedings, and other things as they come up. These ambassadors should be given the authority to cast votes in a quick fashion--without consulting their alliance--in cases of extreme urgency.
Article IV. The James Bond Part.
We aren't going to spy on each other, no matter how sexy we look in tuxedoes. Also, if we discover something juicy about you, we'll whisper it in your ear.
Article V. The Rambo Part.
A. If a signatory gets attacked, we’ve got your back.
B. If you don’t want our help, that’s cool too; we’re still friends.
C. Some of us may be tired, hung-over, or have our significant others visiting for a few days, so we can’t always come out to fight. We hope you understand. But we’ll still try to loan you some money or let you borrow the car if it’s for a good cause. We can also yell at people for you. We’re good at yelling.
D. We have other friends too; so if you get into a fight with them, we’ll just step back and videotape it. We can split the film’s profits after the war is over.
E. Is somebody prank calling you?  Did their dog crap on your lawn?  We’ll help you beat them up if you want.
Article VI. Statement of Sovereignty.
We enjoy being Blue Team people, but we have our own lives to run too.  We are free to make our own decisions about stuff.
Article VII. International Hand-shaking.
A. We like each other already, so let's not do something to mess it up. No treaties with our enemies, especially ones who’ve taken our lunch money. Big-hug time.
B. Since we are all Blue (or mostly Blue) alliances, we’ll work to create a favorable trading atmosphere between our members. Dropping trades without notice is frowned on; so is demanding money for trades.
C. The BLEU Organization will name up to three people we want on the Blue Team Senate. Signatories will require their members to vote in such a way that BLEU's candidates all gain Senate seats.
Article VIII. Cementing and un-Cementing.
Everybody say AYE before they sign and we all have to agree before changing this nifty document.
Article IX. The Boot Part.
If three-fourths of us don’t like you anymore, then you have to go to your room and think about what you’ve done.  Bye.
Article X. Conclusion and Signatories.

In celebration of the Blue Team and our collective awesomeness, the following Alliances do hereby affix our names and insignia to the great Blue Leadership Ensuring Unity (BLEU) Treaty.

Sign here.

Signed for the Multicolored Cross-X Alliance,
Crunchetizia, Co-Chancellor
Sam, Co-Chancellor
Dr. Fresh, High Council and MoFA
Link, High Council and MoI
NeuralLink, High Council and NSA
Iggy, High Council and MoD
Liffer, High Council and Press Secretary
Ololiqui, High Council
LoKi, High Council
GenericRuler, High Council
Mars, High Council

Signed for the New Polar Order,
His Excellency Emperor of the New Polar Order, Fleet Admiral Doctor Electron Sponge, OBE, PHD, COD, ASAP, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea, Conqueror of the Antarctic Lands in General and Godwanaland in Particular, Also Hello
Assington, Imperial Regent of the New Polar Order and Drunken Donkey
Nuevo Mawkistan, Imperial Liaison of the New Polar Order and Definitely Not Subcomandante Marcos
RandomInterrupt, Minister of Truth, Blame Catcher
Slashes-With Claws, Minister of Peace, Lizard of War
Harry Harper, Minister of Plenty, Your New Best Friend
Griswalds, Minister of Love and Complaints
Myworld, Deputy Minister of Truth, Isn't Random
Crustacean Crew, Deputy Minister of Love, Suspected Shellfish
Jphillips412, Deputy Minister of Plenty, Your New Deputy Best Friend
Wakroo, Deputy Minister of Peace, Inventor of the Doomsday Machine
Zandra, Empress and Spam Queen

Signed for the Global Democratic Alliance,
BastardofGod, President
Jkeim, Head of Military Affairs
Jsd2k, Minister of Domestic Affairs
Leq, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Schills, Minister of Economics

Signed for the Sentinels of Unity and Liberty,
Ch0pstix of Free_Kudos
Magnet of Magdonia
Supa_Troop3r of Supa_Land
Corn.Puff of Sa1nt

Signed for Echlon, formerly The Shadowhood,
DeathAngel, Director
Ranoik, Director
Big Jimboi, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Whitdjinn, Minister of Internal Affairs
x Tela x, Minister of Development
Blaze of Macedon, Minister of Finance
AllYourBase, Minister of Defense

Signed for the Finnish Cooperation Organization,
Sharok, Chancellor
Sir.JK, Marshal
Bitterleaf, Commissioner of Economy
enrico, Commissioner of Domestic Affairs
RedAlert, Commissioner of Communication
Xehanort, Parliament
Hitti-Litti, Parliament
Kosola, Parliament
jarsson, Parliament

Signed for the Overclockers UK,
Danger Phoenix, Shadow Minister
Zip, Foreign Secretary
Krono, Minister of Aid
Mr_White, Minister of War

Signed for the Imperial Blue Covenant,
President Smith, Emperor of the Imperial Blue Covenant
General Sonlar, Emperor's Advisor for the Imperial Blue Covenant
State Council of the Imperial Blue Covenant.

Signed for the Nueva Veda,
Owned_You,  Emperor of Nueva Vida
Kommandant Black, Heir of Nueva Vida
Prince Arutha,  HoFA of Nueva Vida
LilRoz2005, Council of Nueva Vida

Second Patriotic War Treaty Cancellations / NV - NpO NAP
« on: June 02, 2007, 02:42:06 pm »
To further peace and good relations, Nueva Vida (NV) and the New Polar Order (NpO) agree to the following terms of non-aggression:

Article I
In the signing of this pact, it must be clear that both organizations will remain sovereign as do the members in each nation. Furthermore, in the signing of this pact of non-aggression, neither signatory will conduct any type of espionage toward the other party.

Article II
In the signing of this pact of non-aggression, it must be clearly known that neither signatory alliance nor its members will declare war on, or assist the enemies of, NV or NpO. Should a member of either alliance do so, he or she must declare peace and pay reparations equal to the total losses suffered by the attacked member nation. Failure to do so must result in a trial by the peers of the aggressor and subsequent expulsion. An alliance refusing to expel a member violating Article II is grounds for revocation of this treaty.

Article III
Should a member nation find himself/herself in a state of war with a member nation of the other signing alliance, the victim may only retaliate with one round of like attacks. No other attacks are to take place for 24 hours, to allow diplomatic avenues to be explored. No member nation may aid the aggressor so long as the aggressor is still in a state of war with the afore mentioned victim. Ignoring Article III and aiding the aggressor is grounds for the revocation of this treaty.

Article IV
Either alliance undertaking action (aggressive or defensive) against other alliances or nations does so without the implication to the other signatory. In the event that either of the said alliances enters a transgression (defensive or aggressive), the other alliance is not obligated to participate for either side.

Article V
This treaty can be revoked by either alliance. Notification of revocation must be given to the other signatory within five days. Should this treaty be revoked by either alliance, a five day grace period begins in which neither alliance may declare war on the other, after which no such rules apply.

Signed for NV,
Owned-You - Emperor
Kommandant Black - Heir
Prince Arutha - Council
Lixfixs - Comandante
Aun_Vre - Foreign Advisor

Signed for NpO,
RandomInterrupt - Minister of Truth
Myworld - Deputy Minister of Truth
Crustacean Crew - Ministry of Truth Advisor

We, the undersigned leaders of the New Polar Order (NpO) and Orange Defence Network (ODN), on our own behalf and that of our members, hereby reaffirm the ties of friendship that bind us and our commitment to doing all that we can to maintain them under the present, trying circumstances. Neither of us sought to be on opposite sides in conflict, but our duty as we each understand it to friends and allies has put us there. We are determined that our friendship and mutual respect will survive the present conflict at least intact, and ideally strengthened. We solemnly undertake to seek to resolve all bilateral differences and problems through respectful private dialogue, entered into in a positive and productive spirit, and to exhaust all diplomatic means before resort to any other measure. We call on the members of both our alliances to treat each other at all times with courtesy and respect, and to bring any potential problems between us to the attention of the leaderships for swift resolution.

We ask our friends and neighbours on Planet Bob to witness this our mutual commitment to fair and honest dealing with each other. We call on them to consider whether they can make any similar commitments. And we hope for a future of honorable and just peace.

For the Orange Defence Network:

Akasha, Secretary General
Salka Palmir, Deputy Secretary General
Pingu, Ocean Pointe Envoy
The Eric, Secretary of State
Templar, Senator
Golan 1st, Senator
Adeva Avatara, Senator
Poach, Senator
Remlin, Senator
Catch921, Senator

For the New Polar Order:

His Excellency Emperor of the New Polar Order, Fleet Admiral Doctor Electron Sponge, OBE, PhD, COD, ASAP, Lord of All the Beasts of The Earth and Fishes of the Sea, Conqueror of the Antarctic Lands in General and Godwanaland in Particular, Also Hello
Slashes-With-Claws, Imperial Liaison
Griswalds, Imperial Liaison
Assington, Donkey/Proud Parent
SweetmofugginJ, Bartender/Loan Shark
RandomInterrupt, Alliance Councilor
Trevilor, Alliance Councilor
President Pierce, Alliance Councilor
Harry Harper, Alliance Councilor
Omegas Paradox, War Councilor
DaJoW, War Councilor
CrusaderofLight, War Councilor
GEwilliam, War Councilor

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