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Messages - Khan432

Pages: [1]
Membership Applications / Re: New Member requesting to Join AO Quantum Leap
« on: December 18, 2011, 08:23:07 pm »
I agree to everything highlighted in red and understand that you are in war.

Membership Applications / Re: New Member requesting to Join
« on: December 18, 2011, 07:58:54 pm »
I made the edits.

Membership Applications / New Member requesting to Join AO Quantum Leap
« on: December 18, 2011, 07:17:09 pm »
Ruler: Khan432
Nation: Armenia
CN Forum Name (if none/unsure leave blank): N/A
Resource #1: Fur
Resource #2: Gold
National Strength: 155.295
Recruited By (if none/unsure leave blank): I got a message from McPeterson
Vouch (if none/unsure leave blank): N/A
what recruitment message from New Polar Order did you receive Wish You Were Here

Link to Nation:

Have you had any previous nations?  If so, please provide the Nation and Ruler names: N/A

Please list previous alliances, if any, you were in: N/A
How long were you a member?: N/A
Why did you leave?: N/A
Do you owe your previous alliance any money, or have other commitments or?: N/A
Are you in the midst of any problems with any Alliances? N/A
Are you currently involved in any wars?  If so, provide full details: N/A

Why do you want to join The New Polar Order: Because I know you guys know what you are doing and don't bully your smaller nations.
What can you offer the New Polar Order? (RL and cyber skills etc): Send me a private PM about that
What do you expect from the Order?: To be honest a lot of entrance aid. Also I would like someone to protect me and a community of intelligent people to talk too.

I *Khan432* understand that honesty is a value highly treasured by the New Polar Order. If at any time I am found to have falsified or withheld any information in this application I understand that I may be subject to disciplinary action that may include expulsion from the Order and possible ZI, in concurrence with NpO policy. I further understand that this oath takes effect immediately and has no expiration

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